Recipe: Perfect One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad

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One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad.

One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad You can cook One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad

  1. Prepare 1 of large package strawberry Jell-O. Or store bought gelatin. Make your own judgment call.
  2. Prepare 1 of large package cook and serve vanilla pudding mix.
  3. You need 2 cups of water.
  4. Prepare 16 oz of Cool Whip. Can be store bought. Again, make your own judgment call. We are all adults here.
  5. Prepare 1/2 bag of mini marshmallows.
  6. Prepare 1 container of fresh strawberries, cut into quarters. If you want to be a jerk and laugh at the expense of loved ones, substitute with radishes or tomatoes.

step by step One Freaking Delicious Strawberry Jell-o Salad

  1. Pour dry pudding packet and Jell-o packet into a small pan and add 2 cups water. It is important to use this amount of water, not what is indicated on the packages. Don’t screw this up..
  2. Stir well over medium heat until it boils..
  3. Remove from the stove and pour into a very large mixing bowl or into your electric mixer bowl. Don’t skimp on the size..
  4. Refrigerate until it thickens. (This takes about 1-2 hours.).
  5. When you remove from the fridge, use a mixer, hand mixer, or whisk to whip it until it is creamy and very few lumps are left. If you whisk, be prepared to be in this step for the long haul..
  6. Add the Cool Whip and mix lightly..
  7. Lightly fold in marshmallows and strawberries – save a few strawberries and marshmallows for a garnish..
  8. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve..