Recipe: Delicious Super summer fruits salad

Simply Recipes Food and Cooking

Super summer fruits salad. This really is a "Perfect" Summer Fruit Salad! It's bursting with a ton of virbrant colors and flavors! It's not only pretty to look at but it tastes wonderful and is good for you too.

Super summer fruits salad This fresh fruit salad is perfect on it's own. And when you toss all the ingredients together and get a variety of fruit in each bite you'll agree. Summer Fruit Salad with Serrano Mint Syrup. You can cook Super summer fruits salad using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Super summer fruits salad

  1. You need 3 of or more kind of fruits. Cut into bite size (mine: orange, strawberry, blueberry, kiwi, and watermelon).
  2. Prepare of Lemon.
  3. You need of Honey.
  4. Prepare 2-3 of Orange.

Super Easy Fruit Salad in Pineapple Bowls. This fruit salad recipe features ripe summer peaches, strawberries, blueberries and basil. That, plus a dash of maple syrup, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar for This salad is a thousand times tastier than any fruit salad I encountered as a kid, and it's practically exploding with vitamins and antioxidants. Mint sugar makes this dish even fresher and sweeter.

instructions Super summer fruits salad

  1. Add all the fruits in a big bowl..
  2. Juice the orange, and strained..
  3. Mixed the orange juice, lemon and honey..
  4. Pour into fruits mixture then gently toss together. Serve cold. Enjoy 😊.
  5. ❤️❤️.

The balsamic vinegar brings out the flavor of the fruit. Mint sugar makes this dish even fresher and sweeter. The balsamic vinegar brings out the flavor of the fruit. Light and healthy summer fruit salad served with a ripe peach dressing that is ready in five minutes or less! The vibrant colors of summer fruits and Then it hit me.